Halloween is tomorrow, my favorite holiday of the year. My favorite kinds of movies are any that are scary and/or weird and/or disturbing. This is why I'm only going to choose 5 to talk about, or I'll be talking about this FOREVER. I'm also only going to talk about American movies for once, because I feel like if I delve into foreign horror too, I'll never be able to stop adding movies :PTrick 'r TreatThis was a straight to DVD release from last October. I would call it the movie equivalent of telling ghost stories while you're sitting around a fire. It's not really scary, but it's a lot of fun.Paranormal Activity 2I know some people don't find these to be scary at all, but I do. I don't even believe in demons and I consider the first one to be my personal scariest movie ever. If you like the first one, you will like this too. It's just more of the same, and that's fine with me!House of the DevilThis movie should be the "how-to" example for directors who want to make an extremely suspenseful movie. I love it for the same reason some people don't- there is SO MUCH slow buildup to the conclusion. I thought it was excellent and really scary. If you have Netflix, this is available on instant play.ClueI really hope everyone has seen this at least once! This has been one of my favorites since I was 11 or 12. It's spooky, funny, and obviously Tim Curry is the best :D Every time I watch it I catch something new that I've never noticed.The ShiningFor the last one I decided to pick a classic. I hope everyone has seen this one, too! There's a reason it's so famous, and that's because it's so awesome. Creeps me out every time.Hope you guys check out some of these movies and enjoy them!
Hi everyone! I've been updating only once or twice a week as compared to my normal time frame of about every other day. I don't know if I will continue posting more slowly or not. I don't ever want this blog to feel like a chore instead of something fun I love, so if that means posting just a teeny bit less, that's what I'll do. I started blogging on November 2nd of 2009, I can't believe it's been almost a year already! That seems so crazy to me. I'd love to do a giveaway, but I'm on a no buy. It would be nice if I could do a small one around Christmastime, hopefully that will work out since I have some decent paychecks coming my way.
Here's a look I did just playing around with makeup the other night. I had really been wanting to use Showy & Glowing Luna together. I like green and pink together because it makes me think of spring and fairies ^_^ The temperature has been 65-70 here for weeks, and it just dropped to 45 today so it feels so, so cold.
Shadows I used:
Concrete Minerals eye primer
Showy, by Aromaleigh (inner lid)
Glowing Luna, by Aromaleigh (outer lid)
Berry Exclusive, by Fusion of Color (crease)
Hail Caesar, by Hi Fi (highlight)
Ice Princess, by Darling Girl (lower lashline; unreleased color)
Showy and Glowing Luna are really sparkly, used over Pixie Epoxy it would have been amazing, but I wanted a soft look. Oh, I got my nose pierced too!Closed-eye shot, first person to tell me what the poster in the picture says wins ten makeup points! Now it's time for me to catch up on your blogs :3
Since I've been wanting to experiment with mattes a bit more lately, I ordered a full sample set of the of the Retro Hi-Fi mattes from Aromaleigh. I know it's kind of late in the game to bother with AL swatches at this point, but everyone likes looking at pretty pictures, right? :)
Top 3: Train Wreck, Cranked, Heels on Fire
Bottom 4: Supermurgatroid, Flip Your Lid, Ankle Biter, Cat's Pajamas
The sparkle from Train Wreck is because I didn't start with a clean brush, but Cranked does have shimmer, but it's with a matte base. You can see how similar some of these are.Top 4: Real Gone, Spaz, In Orbit, Radioactive
Bottom 4: Cool It, Fake Out, Big Tickle, Daddy-o
All the blues are so similar. I love the great quality of the mattes in this collection, but some of the colors are just so close. I was surprised that In Orbit was one of my favorites from the collection.
Top 3: Kookie, What's Shakin', Got Dibs
Bottom 2: In the Mix, Smokin'
I LOVE all 5 of these last colors, they are so beautiful. Sample sale sets are sold out, but there's still quite a few of these colors available for purchase in a sample 3-pack. The only full size that's sold out is Supermurgatroid, so you can still get all the rest of these!
Sorry I've been MIA all week, I've been pretty busy with school, work, and too many annoying appointments. I have lots of Meow swatches to do and tonnns of stuff I should have already reviewed months ago, and of course some EOTD's! I'm seeing Paranormal Activity 2 tonight after work; I'm pretty excited. The first one scared me so much, and I bought the DVD and watched it probably 4 times. What are your weekend plans?
Damn right that's a Hello Kitty pillowcase, made for me by everyone's favorite Kathy :D Not surprisingly, one of my kitties really likes it too and curled up on it next to me last night when I went to bed :3I don't have any fun looks today, because I've been lazy and mostly just doing pretty neutral looks with my BoS3. I DID do my best friend's makeup for her homecoming though. She really liked it and I will try and post pictures of it if she uploads any to facebook.
I thought I'd do some blog love, since I haven't for a while and I've found some AWESOME new blogs lately! I really need to update my blogroll one of these days.
All Made UpBeauty From Another PlanetBonny BinnacleCooking ChinchillasCosmetics and CatsI'll Light the Night with SparksLady in a Top Hat- can I just say, this blog has the absolute BEST swatches!
prettybottlesSamelevennnShop My Stash- I really love this blog :)
Sorta Insane Musings of a Makeup AddictSparkling LunaTianne Marie Makeup and Retrography
I have a couple random questions that I would love for you guys to answer if you want! :D
1) What is the best concealer you know of for under-eyes? I currently use Benefit's Erase Paste, which really doesn't work for me. I might try the Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer, my dark circles are that bad.
2) I'm going to do a post of my favorite horror movies, since it's October. As you might know I'm a huge movie buff- do you know of any good Youtubers/bloggers/podcasts that talk about movies? More specifically, weird, scary, gross, indie, dark, cult, etc movies. I found one that seemed good but they didn't start talking about the movies until OVER AN HOUR INTO IT.
3) Would you be interested in a post with pictures of my adorable pets? :D I have two kitties, a dog, and two chinchillas. Would you be interested in a picture of my 2nd biggest collection (after makeup), sneakers? I have quite a lot. I'm not going to show you guys my makeup setup until I move to Texas in January, because right now it's pretty messy and awful.
4) When I am off this terrible retainer-related no-buy, I might be interested in purchasing a few MAC items. I don't have any MAC because I think it's overpriced and overhyped, but I think I should actually use some before I keep judging it. I am so overwhelmed by all their products, what are some easily available ones I should try?
Sorry for the huge text wall! Just a reminder... Kathy is awesome.
I've been having a ton of makeup fails lately, and it's very frustrating. The last few days I've had to start over at least twice because I didn't like how the look was turning out. I think I need to stick with simpler looks or neutrals for a while. This is something that started out being a smokey dark blue look.Kind of the opposite end of the spectrum, but I loved it. I had to pick up my sister from school and go to Walgreens before I was done with my whole face, so I had these crazy eyes but no face makeup whatsoever. I felt so awkward :P
What I used:
Concrete Minerals eye primer
Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy
The Overlook, by Killer Cosmetics (inner lid)
Morbid Faith, by Hi FI (outer lid/crease)
Lumi, by Sugarpill (highlight)
Stila smudge pot in Cobalt Clutch
Covergirl Liquiline Blast liners on waterline (they don't have names on them, but I think they are called Blue Blaze and Silver Spark)
L'Oreal Extra Collagen mascara
In other news, I am sadly going on a no buy until probably at least halfway through November, if not that whole month. The only exceptions are if I run out of my tinted moisturizer or mascara or something. I think I've already ordered all the Halloween stuff I want, so at least that's good. The reason is because I decided to never wear my retainer after I got my braces off, so now my teeth have shifted and my retainers don't fit. I have to get new ones and it's going to cost me $390 :( With the hours I've been working lately, that's like an entire paycheck and a half out of my savings. I'm going to rediscover great products I already have!
When I posted my poll asking which company people would like to see reviewed next, I was pretty surprised to see that Killer Cosmetics was the winner. The excitement of a new company, I guess, because I didn't find anything they had all that thrilling.The makeup is just one of the things sold on the UV Kitty website. They have a lot of synthetic dreads, and some accessories and things. They do have a blogger package available for $8.50 which includes 4 samples and 1 full size, but I just decided to order two sample sets, for $3.20 each, which include 3 samples. I'd rather have more 6 sample colors to show you instead of 5 colors, one being a full size I'd never use.The website has 16 colors available, which isn't bad at all for a company just starting out. They are all based around some kind of killer- from Smoker's Lung, to Whitechapel (inspired by Jack the Ripper). You would think this would really interest me, since I LOVE horror movies and I think reading about serial killers is totally fascinating (don't lie, you think so too). But for some reason I just don't. I think if they were ALL serial killer based or ALL movie based it would be better, but Smoker's Lung just seems out of place. I also don't like the fact that both Whitechapel and Black the Ripper are both from the same source. I know I'm being pretty picky here. I also didn't like how some of the sentences in the product descriptions were taken word-for-word out of Wikipedia. At least say it's from Wikipedia if you're going to do that.Ok ok, enough with the nitpicking, I know you want to see the products! But first... the packaging! It was really nice and professional looking, and I really like it. Sorry the pictures are slightly dull, I had to turn flash off because I kept just getting big shiny spots. It came with a lot of extra stuff inside.
Before I get to the actual shadows- I promise you'll see them eventually- I want to talk about the ordering process, which I thought was weird. You don't actually pick exactly which colors you want, but instead you enter your top 5 choices. I don't even remember exactly what I did since I ordered two of the sample sets. I got my order in 2 weeks, which I think is pretty normal time, since the company is located in Canada.I have never gotten clamshells of shadows before. I would definitely say I am not a fan. I turn into the Hulk when I open eyeshadows, so I always think I'm going to spill these when I open them, or hit the lid and knock them over. There's also nowhere to tap off excess shadow. As you can see in the picture above, the samples were very generous. They were also shrink-wrapped, which was nice.I don't like how they are labeled... I don't remember what LK stands for. I don't see why the full name isn't put on the shadows.
Time for the swatches!
Top 3: The Overlook, Miss Argentina, LadyKiller
Bottom 3: Clockwork, Frog's Breath, Blood Bathory
Blogger flipped that last one >:[The colors are pretty and pigmented, but none of them really stand out to me. There was nothing good enough here to make me interested in ordering again.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts, since I've seen only positive reviews so far.
I'd been itching to play with mattes for a while, so yesterday I gave it a shot. I was amazed at the staying power of the colors I used, it seems like matte colors last better than their frosty/shimmery/glittery friends. By the time I had them on for about 10 hours, they still looked as bright as they did when I first applied. I had my makeup on for a total of 16 hours, and these really STAYED the whole time.What I used:
Concrete Minerals eye primer
Slimy, by Detrivore (inner lid)
Seaweed/431 by Beauties Factory (outer lid)
Banana Taffy, by Suds N Sass (crease)
Feel the Heat, by High Voltage (highlight)
Jordana Fabuliner in black
Urban Decay 24/7 pencil in Zero
Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Covergirl Liquiline Blast pencil in Green Glow (under waterline)
I really loved how the mattes looked. I just ordered a sample set of the Aromaleigh Hi-Fi Mattes collection, so I'm excited to test out those. I'd also like to try out more of the gorgeous mattes from Beauties Factory.
Hey everyone! I'm back from visiting Texas, sadly. I've only been through one day of my typical life and I'm already bored. It's very monotonous. I really regret not moving in August when I was planning to, and I'm looking at trying to move down in January. I really hope everything works out for me.
Here is the only fun look I did while I was gone... packed all that makeup for nothing :P I used mostly one of the Beauty UK palettes. The yellow color is from the Sugarpill palette.
I think this is probably the closest thing to a rainbow look I've ever done. Sorry that's all I have for you right now, but I have 4 reviews to do, so hopefully I'll be getting off work early the next couple days so I still have daylight for swatching. I hope everyone's been having a good week.
I didn't want to take too much makeup to Texas with me, but I wanted to have enough to still be able to do some good EOTDs and such. Last time I went on vacation I barely brought ANYTHING, so I wasn't doing that again this time.
I decided to only bring brown & black liners, since I use those the most.
I didn't want to deal with loose pigments, so I just brought a few palettes.Here's the face makeup I use daily.I didn't want loose blush, so I brought a powder and a creme blush. Eye primer, a couple lippies, mascara.I also brought some solid perfumes, no liquid in case it spilled.In case you're wondering how my first time traveling by myself went... terrible. I do have an anxiety disorder, so as you can imagine I was freaking out enough as it was. Then my first flight got delayed by almost 5 hours. 5 HOURS. You know what we got as an apology? A granola bar and a bag of almonds. I had to switch my other flights around twice, so I was so worried and kept crying thinking I wouldn't get to Texas. It was a terrible first flying experience, and I am NOT looking forward to the flights back.
Have any travel horror stories to share? What do you pack in terms of makeup for vacation?
I'm Heather, a 19 year old beauty blogger from the midwest. Makeup and movies are my favorite things. I love finding great beauty blogs to follow! I buy, use, and review from a variety of company types, ranging from indie to high-end. Feel free to contact me at eyeconicmakeup@gmail.com.