Thursday, September 30, 2010 tailor made eyeshadow compacts/cases review
I have had these products sitting and waiting for me to review for so long, it's not even funny. Over a month, sitting under my bed, not even opened. When you can let new products sit for over a month before getting to them, you know you have WAY too much makeup.
What I've got for you guys today is a review of some products I bought from Beauties Factory, or If you go right to their website, you will see they have a TON of different products, but what I'm talking about today specifically is the tailor made eyeshadow compacts and cases (it's the second link down in the left column).
They have some new types of compact shadows since I bought mine, but I just got the plain "Eyeshadow Compacts", which are only $1.50 each. Obviously that price is irresistible, so my best friend Tiege and I decided to place an order. She got I think 9 colors, and I got 6. I also got a 6-pan palette for them, which was $6. They have lots of empty palette sizes. Our order was around $28 (I know I somehow got some sort of $2 discount or something, but I don't remember how, sorry!), and the shipping price was CRAZY. The stuff is coming from Hong Kong, so I'm expecting some sky-high prices here. I don't think it even cost us $1. It was something like 60 cents. Plus I got a free pair of the ugliest fake nails of all time, and a coupon for $5 off a $50 order. So if you're looking to really get some bang for your buck, this is the place. I think it took about 2 weeks for the order to arrive.
I tried getting some colors I have nothing similar to (and a taupe, of course), so I did pick out some mattes. They have a TON of gorgeous colors in matte and shimmer finishes. All the colors have a number and a name, but when you get them they just have the number.
Here's the packaging the individual shadows come in, and what they look like out of the packaging.
I don't have any other pan shadows to compare these to sizewise, so you can use this quarter as a visual aid. I feel like George Washington could totally be a taupe kinda guy.
Top 3: 431/Seaweed, 479/Prune, 480/Rich Red
Bottom 3: 518/Gaze, 579/Nuts, 565/Antique
Do you see what I'm seein'? Cus I'm seein' that I unintentionally ended up with some colors very close to some MAC and Sugarpill products. Seaweed is like MAC Sassy Grass, or Sugarpill Midori. Prune looks like Sugarpill's Dollipop. And Gaze looks like MAC's Going Bananas. These are just my opinions, and I don't have any of those colors to compare (too expensive for me!), but they're close enough to make me really happy (I love Sassy Grass and Going Bananas).
The palette I ordered was a 6 pan palette, the one without the mirror. It's made out of what feels to me like pretty cheap plastic. I personally don't care at all, but some of you might want a better quality palette.
And here is my ugly, un-color coordinated palette!
Obviously, I will have to order more shadows and palettes so I can make ones that are nice and go together instead of this monstrosity... :D I'd also like to try out some of their other products, too.
My only complaint at all is the color accuracy of some of the pictures. The bottom 3 shadows all look very close to their website picture, but the top 3 don't AT ALL. So it's kind of hit-or-miss how accurate the pictures are. But for $1.50, especially for people who love makeup like we do, I think you'll be pleased with what you get.
Beauties Factory,,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
a post about tolerance
I actually had a review done for today but I would rather post this instead. I'd really appreciate if you read the links I post so you can know what is going on in more detail. I don't know what it is about this specific tragedy that angers me so much, but I am sitting here bawling right now because stuff like this just makes me lose faith in people so much.
I just don't understand how people can do this to other people. I just don't. It sickens me. I hope they get charged with a lot more than invasion of privacy.
This would have made me upset no matter what, but the fact is I read the articles just after seeing this video and arguing with someone about this example of bigotry, so I was already very angry. All this homophobic, transphobic, anythingdifferentphobic bullshit has got to stop. I can't wait for the day when it is an socially unacceptable to be homophobic/transphobic as it currently is to be racist. And while I'm wishing, please end sexism also.
It's not even the fact that Tyler was possibly gay & outed by the video that makes me so sad (of course, that is awful). It's just horrifying that people can do things like this to other people at all, regardless of who they are. How can ANYONE get it into their heads that doing something like that could possibly end up without any consequences?
I will admit to the fact that there is a group I am completely intolerant of, and that group is bigots. I will NOT respect someone who doesn't believe in equality for EVERY individual.
If all this stuff has you feeling down, here is an awesome, empowering video about Don't Ask Don't Tell by the always amazing Lady Gaga.
Give your loved ones a hug.
Monday, September 27, 2010
A look using the UD BoS III
This is a look I did sometime last week using my new Urban Decay Book of Shadows III. The pictures aren't the best because my camera was acting up and giving everything a sort of yellow cast, but you get the general idea!
I have placed an order with Killer Cosmetics, the winner of my upcoming review poll. Spell Cosmetics had the second most votes, but since they are closing, I'm not going to review them. The next two with the most votes were TKB and Silk Naturals, so I will be placing some orders with them shortly. I am leaving for Texas this Saturday and not coming back until next Wednesday, and I don't know how much I'll be posting while I'm gone. I have lots of things sitting around that I've had for so long but haven't reviewed, so I'll try to get those typed up before I leave.
I've only been on a plane when I was 8, so going and flying by myself, especially with my anxiety problems, is going to be extremely scary for me. Plus I have to switch flights a couple times, which will make it a million times worse. I know there are lots of rules about what you can take, so I'm worried about some of my makeup being confiscated. Does anyone have tips on what I should and shouldn't bring, cosmetics wise? Thank you!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Urban Decay Book of Shadows 3!
It arrived today! I know blogs like Temptalia and Lipglossiping have already shown you everything you need to know (they were extremely thorough, I love their reviews!), but I don't think anyone ever minds seeing more pretty pictures :)
The outside of the case, I hadn't even taken it out of the clear packaging yet!
Product information
This is with the top popped open.
Sorry it's blurry- I turned the lights out and didn't use flash so you can see where it lights up.
The whole thing.
Look at the beauuuutiful colors! Here are swatches (all over the included UDPP), these are the first two rows.
I finally get to see why Midnight Cowboy Rides Again has it's infamous reputation! Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad, Uzi was much worse in terms of major glitter fallout. Here's the next 2 rows.
This is my first UD palette, and I love it. With tax it was a little over $57, and to me it is worth it because I know I will be using it very often, and I love looking at the awesome pop-up scenery. Plus, you're getting 16 shadows, the mini UDPP and 2 mini 24/7 liners (if you take the $54 and divide it by 19 products, that's less than $3 per shadow/liner/UDPP). I think it's a great deal. If you own the Alice book, I don't think you should bother with this one, they have a lot of similar colors. It's still available on the Sephora website, but NOT the UD website. Also, from what I've heard, I'm pretty sure it should be in Sephora stores October 1st, but don't quote me on that.
I'm definately going to do a look with it tomorrow, I'm so excited. :) Does anyone else have this yet, or any other palettes or shadow books? I still would like the deluxe shadow box.
Book of Shadows 3,
Urban Decay
Aqua & Purple EOTD
Phyrra and Pixie always do such nice blue & purple looks, so I decided to do that color combo the other day. Sadly, my camera decided that I am only allowed to have one lid color at a time... the blue did not show up here at all, which I really don't get because it is a very vibrant teal and it definitely isn't close at all to the purples I used. It still looks like a nice purple look, though :)
Side-note: I checked the tracking today for my Urban Decay Book of Shadows 3! It's in Illinois now, so hopefully I'll be getting it in the mail tomorrow. When I was asking the SA at Sephora about it (the day before it went on sale on the Sephora website, coincidentally), she didn't even know what I was talking about. I think those of us who have an intense relationship with makeup & blogging probably know more about it than a lot of the Sephora SA's do!
What I used:
Between the Stars, by Hi Fi (inner v)
Karaoke, by Meow (inner lid)
Magic Spell, by Hi Fi (invisible on outer lid)
Ephemeral Violet, by Aromaleigh (crease)
Crystalline, by Detrivore (highlight)
I wanted to keep it soft, so I didn't use eyeliner. Not much else to say today, I hope you like the look!

Monday, September 20, 2010
EOTD using (mostly) Hi Fi
This was a look I did before work the other night. Unfortunately, I did have a few hurdles. The two silvers and two purples didn't look as different in the pictures as they did irl. I also overblended my lid colors, which tones down some of the purple. But overall I really liked it. I did my color placement a little differently than normal; I want to break out of doing the exact same shapes and types of color placement. I really like looking at Temptalia's EOTD's for ideas, she does lots of different ways of placing her shadows.
What I used:
Concrete Minerals eyeshadow primer
Hi Fi High Impact Shadow Fix
Articuno, by Shiro (inner lid)
(all the following are Hi Fi)
Pussycat (outer lid)
Parental Advisory (outer crease)
Lyrical Master (inner crease)
Hail Caesar (highlight)
Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Jordana FabuLiner in black
Urban Decay eye pencil in Zero
My hair looks kind of 80's cus it had been in a ponytail :P
This was my first time really experimenting with the High Impact Shadow Fix. Here is my eyeshadow after an 8 hour shift at Arby's:
Conclusion: This stuff is amazing. I'd be happy to do a wear test comparing it to Pixie Epoxy if anyone is interested.
Also, a few random questions: Does anyone know of website that have designer perfume dupes? My mom gave me a sample of Chance Eau Fraiche by Chanel, and I am in love with it... not so in love with the $90 price tag. I COULD get it when the Sephora friends & family sale starts, but it would still be so expensive. I don't really know a lot about online perfume places, so if anyone knows where I might be able to find a dupe for this, please let me know!
Also, do you add your blog friend's personal facebooks? I have seen many of yours on company's pages and stuff, and I'd love to add those of you who I consider myself friends with, but I don't know how people would feel about me knowing their real names and where they live or whatever. I only have a couple of my blog friends added. If you find my Facebook, you can add me :)

Friday, September 17, 2010
Sephora Must-Have: Color To Go Red edition palette
Let me tell you, I'm sick of this no buy. It was really only supposed to be until BoS3 came out, which it did, today. So I'm in the clear from now on. Yesterday at Sephora, I wanted to get something small, and they had these cute little Color To Go palettes. I got the Red edition, but I also thought the other one was cute (the purple was similar to UD's Fishnets!), and I'll probably get it next time. I am a sucker for a set. And for only $15, I'm not exactly breakin' the bank here.
I don't know why Sephora makeup gets such a bad rep- the 2 Sephora brand liners I have are great, my little face scrublet is great, and this set is great. I would say that although it's the same type of product as the Too Faced Glamour To Go set, the quality is actually better, and $5 less!
It's about the same size as my Glamour To Go palette, but the lippies and blush pull out from the side instead of the bottom.
Thanks Blogger for flipping my you see why I found this irresistible? Look at the great fall colors!
The shadows are pretty and pigmented. The dark blue matte was kind of a PITA, in typical matte fashion.
The blush is heavily swatched in those pictures, but even with just one swipe it's very pigmented (ie, easy to overdo it if you have lighter skin).
I was really surprised at the pigmentation of the lippies, since most lippies in palettes tend to suck.
Here's a smokey eye look I did today using the palette. My blush and lip color are also from the palette.
If you are addicted to sets, like me, this one's a fall necessity!

In case you like awesome stuff and saving money...
I know I've been gone all week, but today's my day off so I'm going to get a lot of stuff lined up for posting :) Please excuse this boring post but I thought I'd throw out a little FYI of some stuff going on right now.
The Urban Decay Book of Shadow III is at Sephora right now. Hurry and get it before it's gone! I just ordered mine, I'm SO excited :D
Stila will be on Haute Look again this Monday.
And for those of you who love the mall as much as I do, Hollister and Abercrombie have 50% off of all redline items right now. I got a hoodie for $20, t-shirts for $7, and Hollister also had $10 sweatpants. This is the cheapest you'll probably ever be able to get this stuff. American Eagle also has most jeans on sale for $30, and they have a bunch of $15 and $20 hoodies.
I promise to have some fun stuff posted later today!
Monday, September 13, 2010
EOTD with Aromaleigh 'Hot In The City' colors
I planned on doing a look like this, and somehow it ended up in another realm entirely. I was going through my yellow & orange drawer, and saw how many oranges I have that I never used. Neon Lights from the AL Hot In The City collection was exactly what I wanted, so I decided to use other colors from that collection as well: Italian Ice and Return to Tiffany's.
What I used:
Concrete Minerals eye primer
Max Factor 2000 Calorie mascara
Jordana FabuLiner in brown
UD 24/7 pencil in Crash
Italian Ice (inner lid)
Neon Lights (outer lid)
Return to Tiffany's (lower lid)
Mornings of Gold, by Hi Fi (highlight)
Me Me Me Poppy Tint as blush
Stila lip color in Louise
Nice and colorful but not TOO over the top, since I have work in half an hour. Sorry I'm behind on comments, and I have emails to answer, and blogs to catch up on, but I won't get home until probably around midnight, and then I have class tomorrow morning and work until 4. Bleh.
Don't forget to vote in the sidebar polls! I'm still on a low buy, so they won't be until the first half of October, most likely.

Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Urban Decay collection, part 2
I have 3 loose shadows I got for $5 each from Haute Look. They have been on the UD & Sephora websites lately for $5, although I don't think there's a lot of choices left. I have one pressed shadow, Graffiti, that I bought from Lillian's blog sale a few months ago. From left to right are Shattered, Baked, Shag, Graffiti, and Acid Rain. I think I got Acid Rain from Haute Look, but it may have been from Beauty Ticket.
Annoying packaging.
I think this primer/waterproofer duo has been d/c'd, but just the lash primer is still available on the website. It works terrifically.
I got this marshmallow flavored & scented body powder from Lillian as well. It's too bad it's $26 at full price, because it's the perfect marshmallow scent I'd been hunting down, and I still haven't found anything as good. And its yummy ;)
I know what you're thinking- where's the UDPP? Well, I used to have a tube, but I used it up. And since I found a great alternative, I thought I'd post it here.
A tin of Concrete Minerals Electric Eye Primer is $9. The color of it is the same as original UDPP, and the texture is buttery soft. I've done the whole "one eye UDPP, one eye CMEEP", and they both looked exactly the same at the end of the day (sorry no pictures, I tested it when I worked all night!). So if you don't want to shell out the cash for a new tube of UDPP, this (in my opinion, and with my experiences) is basically the same in terms of quality.
What are your favorites from Urban Decay? Also, don't forget to vote in the polls on the side of the page!
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