Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sassy Minerals Review/EOTD

I am so glad that the companies I have been ordering from lately have been impressing me so much. Sassy Minerals is no exception. I LOVE these eyeshadows, I'm going to order about 12 more samples. The envelope arrived with an invoice and a handwritten thank you. The envelope also said it was from Sassy Minerals, instead of from "Someone's Name", so I knew which package it was before I opened it. got the package just a few days after I ordered it, I think it was 3 days. Here's some crappy swatches (the lighting here has been so bad, I apologize). I did them slightly blurred so you can see the shimmer better- these are PACKED with it. The top swatch is as is, the bottom swatch was applied on top of Detrivore Primer. From left to right: Break the Silence, Glass House, Cynical, Lyrical, Ruby Slippers From left to right: Gasoline Rainbow, Flash of Brilliance, Starstruck (free sample included with order), Breaking the Rules, Endless Party, Risk Taker I took some picture of the colors in their jars as well, these pictures look very accurate to me. From left to right: Break the Silence, Glass House, Cynical, Lyrical, Ruby Slippers Yeah, I may have spilled Lyrical all over myself the other day, hence the tiny amount in the jar... From left to right: Gasoline Rainbow, Flash of Brilliance, Starstruck (free sample included with order), Breaking the Rules, Endless Party, Risk Taker These samples have a good amount in them, and come in jars, which is a great price for only 75 cents a sample. They are so shimmery and gorgeous, and very pigmented. My only problem with this company is their website pictures. All the eyeshadows look like barely pigmented, almost pastel, typical shades. In reality they are anything but. I don't know why the website has such lame pictures when the product itself is so amazing... you really have to read the color descriptions, don't even bother to look at the pictures. Here is my EOTD with Sassy Minerals. Cynical, inner lid Breaking the Rules, rest of lid Glass House, browbone (is that what that's called?) Starstruck, eyeliner And here is the totally rad shirt I was wearing, available from Deadworry.