It's 77 degrees today! :D Tomorrow it's going to be around 80, I'm overjoyed! My ideal weather is 85ish with a breeze. I like when it's a lil toasty out. I already picked out which dress to wear, heehee. A lot of people have been doing looks with teal and blue lately, so I decided to use those colors today. I'm definitely feelings these colors, so springy!
What I used:
forgot Pixie Epoxy :(
Relax, by Sassy (inner lid)
Lush, by Stardust (middle lid)
+20 Beautification, by Fyrinnae (outer lid)
Crystalline Highlight #10 by Detrivore (highlight)
Flutura's Cloud by Aromaleigh (under waterline)
Urban Decay Lingerie eyelash primer
Prestige My Biggest Lashes mascara
Jemma Kid i-conic eyeliner in Drama Queen (waterline)
mark After Glo blush
Physician's Formula Circle Rx undereye concealer
Revlon PhotoReady translucent finisher
Bare Escentuals Buxom gloss in Hope (clear with pink iridescence)
It looks like there is a big chunk of missing shadow from my right eye... it didn't look like this irl, I think some of the colorm just got scooted up to the crease, even though I didn't use a crease color today. I got the new Physician's Formula undereye concealer when I was at Ulta- although the packaging and application is HORRIBLE, the concealer seems to be working well. It also might be because the color on this matches my skintone better, as opposed to what I was using. This also promises to make dark circles lighten over time... we'll see. I also got the Prestige mascara from Ulta. By itself I don't really like it, but used with the UD primer, it's great- totally seperated lashes, no clumping whatsoever. They don't get really big, but it's ok because they look like natural, but better.
I LOVE the Detrivore Crystalline highlight powders. They are so perfect, I use the brown shade all the time (I think it's called Shrewd). I thought it was cool that every single thing I used today was from a different brand. I need to start using other blushes besides my mark blush, but it's just so convinient for my lazy self since it's a brick, and not a powder.
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week! I'm off to work, I'll read all your great blogs tonight :)
I'm back from Texas! I aboslutely LOVED it there. The town was so beautiful, and it wasn't all creepy-south like I imagined, since it's a huge college town. I found the greatest apartment, a 2 bedroom so there's enough room for me and my chinchillas :] My parents are helping me out with payments, and right now the agreement is that I will pay $200 a month, so that covers utilities and part of rent. I will definitely need to cut back on my makeup spending while I'm there, and try to save as much as possible so I have funds in case of an emergency or something. I also need to curb my spending right now, which is hard, as I have about a million indie things I want, as well as a bunch of stuff from mark/Avon, and from the Hard Candy line, and from Sephora and Ulta. :P Luckily most of it is pretty cheap, so I can still get a few things here and there even though I'm saving. Plus I have a Target gift card since I got Employee of the Month again, so I can get some pretty things with that ^_^
I did a cool look today, but I don't have the camera here with me, so hopefully I can post pictures later when my mom comes home with it. I really feel like posting though, so here is my high-end makeup lemming list of the moment! All of it is priced really well, all very affordable. Some of it is on sale though, so I should probably snatch some things up before the sales end... images are clickable.
I know Ulta brand isn't actually "high end", but I thought it fit with this wishlist well enough.
As you can see, I really love sets. I think you get a lot of different stuff for your money. The only oddball is the UD liner in shade Ecstasy... I have ones of their liquid liners already that I got for $5 off HauteLook, and I love it. It applies amazingly. I have tried NYX and Milani liquid liner also and I canNOT apply them well. This liner is the greatest shade of purple ever, and I know I'll actually be able to apply it.
What high end makeup are you craving right now? I'd love to see your current lemmings :]
Hey guys! I hope everyone has been doing well! Texas is really great, I love the area and I've found a couple apartments that I'm deciding between. Best of all, there is an Ulta here! I know that's so whatever for some people, but I've never been to an Ulta or a Sephora, so I was really excited to go. It was pretty much the best day of my life... jk but not really, I'm sure you understand ;] I totally hauled on polish while I was there. I've been keeping my nails painted in this week away from work, since I can't have them painted there. Obviously I'm going there again before I leave town, so you'll see haul number 2 in a few days, haha.
I got Ulta polish in "Holiday In Turqs & Caicos", OPI "Jade is the New Black", Orly "Shine", OPI "Ink Suede", and an Ulta basecoat I got for free (BOGO for Ulta polishes right now). I also got that little OPI giftset for free since I spent $17 on OPI. It includes Ink, Rosy Future, and a topcoat. I know you've seen a trillion pictures, but I've been lemming this so long that I don't care- Jade is the New Black :D
This is the only creme polish I have ever loved. I HATE cremes, but this applied like a dream. I love OPI. It is so amazing, even better in person. You've got to get it! Keep having a great week ladies.
Ok guys, one last post before I finish packing and head off to Texas for a week. I'll keep updated on your blogs while I'm gone, and keep up with my comments. Maybe I'll have time to post while I'm there, but I'm not sure (although I totally plan to haul from Ulta, so I bet I can show pictures of that :D)
Anyway, I didn't want to leave these sitting on my computer when they could be tempting you into spending money. :P Here's swatches from my latest Fyrinnae and Hi Fi orders.
From left to right: Sennyo, Darling Misfit, Lemming, Neo Universe, Parental Advisory
Sennyo and Lemming aren't actually as similar as they look in the pictures.
From left to right: Javan Rhino, +20 Beautification, Blue Whale, Leif, Chaotic Evil, The Fancy Lad
From left to right: Sugar, Eat Me Drink Me, Rich Girl, Dirty, Wanted, Blackened Soul
Sugar is the most opaque white I own. I need to get a full size, it's great! Rich Girl is gorgeous, I was just meh on it until I looked at these pictures again and realized how pretty it is.
From left to right: Allegro, Raid the King, Kiss, Things That Cannot Speak, Can't See the Forest, Julia Dream, Queen of Disaster
Raid the King is more bright and neon than pictures can capture. It's the brightest shadow I own. Kiss and Julia Dream are really pretty pastel shades.
Gin and Sin lipgloss, glimmer gel in Starlet
The gloss applies pretty sheer, and give off a gold sparkle. Love it! The glimmer gel is great to use in place of a highlight.
Enjoy your week everyone, I know I will!
Yes, I was crazy enough to order after hearing about their new and improved shipping. And yes, I got my order in 4 days, with everything included, and 4 free samples. I'll do a review, but it won't be for a while since I'm leaving for Texas tomorrow (plus swatches will take forever since I ordered like 70ish samples). I'd say if you want to try Archetype, order now, because who knows when it will all go downhill again.
Not many pictures, sorry! As I was resizing them I realized most of them didn't turn out very well.
What I used:
Pixie Epoxy
The Uneasy Dancers (inner lid)
Shackled (outer lid)
Midnight Aeval (crease)
Turkey (highlight)
Xibalba (under waterline)
Rimmel eyeliner in black
Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara
I Touch Roses Twilight I blush
Revlon PhotoReady translucent finishing powder
Does anyone know of a good concealer for under eye circles? I need a new one!
I like days like this, just because they're silly. It's the same reason I like class color day at school, just cus it's cute for everyone to be matching. And I'm actually somewhat Irish. My great grandparents on my dad's side were from Ireland. I just realized I don't even know what this holiday is supposed to be celebrating :P Side note about life: my school went into a code red lockdown today, meaning all the teachers have to lock all the doors, and we can't leave the classroom. I think if anyone actually gets in the school, we're supposed to turn off all the lights and huddle in a corner or something weird like that. The reason for the lockdown was that there was an armed robbery in one of the neighborhoods nearest school. So that was interesting *shrugs*
What I used:
Acid Rain by Urban Decay (over lid)
Can't See The Forest, by Hi Fi (outer lid)
Leif, by Fyrinane (crease)
Tell Me Lies, by Hi Fi (highlight)
Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara
Covergirl eyeliner in brown black (waterline)
NYX eye pencil in Acid Green (below waterline)
Revlon PhotoReady translucent finisher
Urban Decay ultraglide lip gloss in Lust
Here is my outfit from yesterday, just because it's cute. I got the dress for only $12 on clearance at Charlotte Russe, and the Hollister jacket for $5 at Goodwill. I love bargains!
And here's some HKOTD. Tin lunch boxes! One which includes... a bunch of Hello Kitty lip glosses and balms :D
Spring break tomorrow, woo! I'm leaving for Texas on Sunday or Monday to see my baby and look for an apartment :D
A few weeks ago I placed my very first order with Stardust Cosmetics, an independent Canadian company. I had been waiting to order from them for a while, but for some reason kept putting it off. I think this is mainly because I didn't like how the swatches on the website look. I don't know why, I just don't. The rest of the website I love- it's very nice, clean, cute, and has that sort of personal touch I like. It has the bestsellers at the bottom of the homepage, and then all the categories on the side, so it's nice and easy.
Stardust has primer powders, concealers, foundations, luminizers, mineral kohl powder, finish/setting powders, eye pigments, and blush. I don't think I even looked at the blush page when I ordered, which is too bad, because they have some beautiful colors I'd like to try. I'll have to next time ;] I of course ordered eyeshadow samples- they have a page for samples, and you can pick one of their amounts to order (5, 10, 15, or 20 for eye pigments). I chose 15.
Their pigment page is organized so you can shop by color, texture, or finish, which is cool. I ordered a lot of their bright colors, and also quite a few colors from their new Facettes de la Femme collection. The FDLF collection colors include swatches on skin, which is nice. Their normal line of colors do not.
My 15 samples pack is listed as $13.50 on the website, which is a really nice price at less than $1 per sample. I actually paid less than that, as the 15 set was on sale for $12 when I ordered. The sample shipping price was $2, so I'd say paying $14 total for $15 samples is not too shabby at all! However, on the policies page it does say for every $10 you spend, you will receive a free sample, and I didn't get one. It's not a big deal to me but I thought I should point it out. Shipping to the USA says it will take 6-14 days, added to the 3 days it takes them to fill/process the orders. I got mine in 16 or so days, so that was spot on.
This is the most in depth review I think I've written. I hope it's not boring for you! Here is the fun part anyway: swatches! Don't look at messy floor -_-
From left to right: Sea Glass, Envy, Lush, Total Package, Electro, Citrus, Mystery, Pink Ruffle, Oh My!
The swatches don't look as good as I'd like. Yesterday it was really cloudy but I decided to do swatches anyway, since the weather wasn't supposed to change anytime soon. So of course it's 70 and sunny today (not that I'm complaining!) You can click for bigger images. I've started doing swatches with the same color groups all together, so you can see if 2 are really close. For Lush and Total Package, there isn't much of a difference. If you have one you don't need the other. Mystery is really a mystery of why the photo is so inaccurate off their website... I don't see the pretty blue shimmers like they show. It's just brown. I do LOVE Electro, Citrus, Pink Ruffle, and Oh My!
From left to right: Royal Kiss, Magick, Neon Femme, Pure Femme, Superwoman, Krista's Blue
The first picture for this set is far more color accurate. Royal Kiss is a purple with brown in it, but certainly not as much as the bottom picture shows. I love Superwoman. When I saw it in the baggie, I didn't even realize it had little red sparkles in it. How cool is that?
The baggies are a complaint I have. I kept ripping them like the Incredible Hulk, so I had a little bit of spillage. Oh yeah, and there are little labels on all the baggies with the color name- I thought the names were typed, but when I compared some baggies I realized they are hand written! I am sooo impressed with the handwriting, lol.
As for the staying power of the shadows, these (and High Voltage) shadows stayed about the best and most vibrant throughout the day more than any other companies I've tried. I do use UDPP every day, so maybe these just adhere better to that. Can't be sure, but I'm still impressed.
So there you go! Overall, there were a few minor things, but generally I really liked the products I received. I do plan on ordering again, maybe trying out a couple more samples, and definitely some blush.
I HAVE 2 DAYS OFF IN A ROW! This never happens, you guys. Which probably means I will get called in on one or both of those days.
Here is a look I did the other day using some new Fyrinnae colors. I WOULD swatch all my new stuff for you, but it's been raining every single day. Hopefully tomorrow...
What I used:
Javan Rhino (inner lid)
Neo Universe (center lid)
Darling Misfit (outer lid, crease, and under waterline)
Detrivore highlight Crystalline (highlight)
Rimmel Very Violet Eyeliner (waterline)
mark After Glo blush
Fyrinnae Pink Guitar lip lustre
Revlon PhotoReady translucent finishing powder
I am trying to save more of my money right now, so that I have something in the bank when I live by myself in a few months. My parents said they will probably pay my rent and cell phone, but that means I will need to pay for groceries, and I'm actually not sure what else! I really don't know what is provided as part of your rent when you live in an apartment, and what you have to pay extra for. I never thought about how many expenses I go through... there's a bill for everything, guhh. I also want to write a will, which probably sounds pretty morbid, but I think it's a smart idea since I will be on my own. So I am ATTEMPTING to not buy so much makeup with my paycheck, but it's proving difficult. :P I got paid on Thursday, and so far I've spent $31 on makeup. I want to set a limit for myself, like maybe $75 per paycheck. I know that must seem crazy to normal people, but I'm sure you guys understand... other teenagers spend their money on way stupider stuff.
I've gotten 3 coupons in my email in the last week from Sally Beauty Supply, and they are are $5- two have a minimum purchase of... *drumroll* $5! So basically I need to drive over there and get me some free stuff :D Also, I checked out the new Goodwill here yesterday, and totally scored a Hollister denim jacket with fur on the hood for $5! I was so excited. I hate denim jackets, this was the first one I've ever seen and liked.
Thanks to everyone who has tagged me. I'm not tagging anyone back because I'm too lazy. Honestly I was sitting here trying to think of 7 random facts about me, but I couldn't think of enough cool ones, so suck it. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
It's so funny that I don't post for 3 whole days and I feel like it's been an ETERNITY... I was spending as much time as I could with my boyfriend, who is now back in Texas. :( I miss him already. I also hadn't read any blogs for the last few days... I think I'm all caught up now, it took me hours!
I was going to place some orders since I got paid today, but it's now late and I'm sleepy, so I guess I'll do it tomorrow after school. I'm going to try out 3 new places- Concrete Minerals, Metamorphosis Cosmetics, and... this is psychotic maybe... ARCHETYPE! I know, I know. I REALIZE completely they do not deserve ANYONE'S business, but I think you can all understand the attraction I feel to their pretty colors. Why am I deciding to do this now? Read Grey's Post here. I am really hoping I get them at a reasonable time, and not in who knows how many months (if ever)... I'm moving to Texas in August or September, so if it does get here that late, I'll be gone!
In case anyone is interested, my plans to go to A&M pretty much fell through as I didn't get into the Honors program, and out of state tuition is fucking expensive. But I really just wanted to go to a university for parties and to join a sorority... I know it's weird not to go to college at this day and age, but I don't think I want to spend that much more time in school. I'm really smart, I got a 30 on my ACT and I'm damn proud of it so I don't care about bragging. :P But for some reason I am just so apathetic about school... I dropped as many classes as I can, so I am only in school for 4 hours a day right now, but it still feels like forever. So I am going to move to Texas where my boyfriend lives, get my own apartment and a job, and take college classes online for free from the community college where my dad works. This seems like it will be best for me and I'm REALLY excited to move somewhere new and be on my own. I have no idea what I want to do as a career... honestly I would just love to have my own little makeup company. I can't imagine doing anything else at this point. Makeup is something I am so passionate about, regardless of how frivolous it may seem to some people. And at the way the internet and stuff is now, I really feel like this could be an attainable goal. I would love to be able to get some kind of certificates or something in makeup artistry, too, but I don't know how one goes about getting those. End boring personal stuff!
I don't want this post to be totally boring, so I decided to post these nail pictures I had from girls night a few weeks ago.
The purple Milani holographic color
Some Pure Ice color
Too lazy to look for the names of polishes. Sorry guys :P I just realized, I have a lot of swatch pictures of blushes and lipsticks and things saved, but I have no idea what they actually are. So stupid >_<
In case I lost you, here is an adorable baby chinchilla from Cute Overload. I love chinchillas. I have 2. They are the cutest, softest, sweetest little babies you could ever be lucky enough to own. I call them my chinchildren ^_^
Thanks for reading my boring post, I hope you had a great week! Hopefully I'll have some more interesting things for you tomorrow or Saturday.
I have had so much fun trying this stuff out the last 2 days... I have no doubt I will go to it for my makeup tomorrow morning too. I love these shadows, they are so soft and creamy feeling, and so damn pigmented! I haven't even tried the eye burning neons yet! Me wants more Sleek palettes @_@ I am so loving pressed shadows right now.
In the first look I am also wearing NYX lipstick in Georgia (the only good color for me of the 4 I've bought), Twilight I blush by I Touch Roses, Covergirl eyeliner in brown black, and mark Scanda-lash mascara. Revlon ColorStay underye concealer & PhotoReady Translucent Finishing Powder. It's nothing super exciting, but I wanted more toned down makeup than the bright ass melon look I did the other day (the last look from my previous post).
I did silver on the ball of my lid, and used the really metallic blue for the inner lid, and the darker blue for the outer lid. It looks like the same blue in the picture, but it's not. I also used silver under my waterline, but only part way.
This next one was something I did today, over NYX jumbo pencil in Cottage Cheese as a base. I thought "Oh, those two colors will look nice together", but they look WAY better than I even expected! I kept looking into the mirror at my eyes when I was hanging out with my boyfriend. We watched Are You Afraid of the Dark! This post of Blix's reminded me my DVD set of it has been sitting untouched for quite a while. Oh the nostalgia! I used a Milani Powder Mosaic in Sweet Cheeks, L'Oreal Collegen Mascara, Fyrinnae's Pink Guitar lip lustre, and Too Faced sparkler gloss over that in Violet Vapor. Revlon ColorStay underye concealer & PhotoReady Translucent Finishing Powder.
I love this palette! And I love blush now you guys! I never used it before blogging. ;]
I haven't done an HKOTD in a while, so here ya go. My big kitty and my little kitty ^_^
That picture understates how huge that Hello Kitty is... exhibit B. I'm sitting.
I have a million cute pictures of my kitty. I know there's a lot of cat fans out there, would you be interested in a post of some kitty pictures? Answer honestly cus I don't want to spend time resizing them all if you're gonna be like "Omg get on with the makeup already you crazy cat lady weirdo..." :P Ps Rachel, I ate the chocolate bar today while watching a movie ^_^ So yummy!