Monday, November 29, 2010
Long overdue Elohi Cosmetics review
I'm going to be very straightforward and honest with this review, as I try to be with every review I do. So I want to start off right away saying that the eyeshadows I'll be sharing with you were sent to me free of charge- six samples and one full size. I will also say that this is the company I was referring to in a post I made a few months back (I got the package about 5 weeks after my initial conversation with Morgan). But I am willing to cut Morgan, the owner, some slack. The company, Elohi Cosmetics, has only been opened since May, so it's relatively new.
When I opened the envelope, I thought the colors looked really nice and immediately opened up all the jars to look at them. Here I encountered problem #1.
The jars don't come with sifters, so a lot of the shadow got right up under the lid during shipping, and flew out everywhere when I opened it. There is an option on the website to have sifters put in your jar, but you'll receive a little bit less pigment to make room for the sifters. I personally don't like sifters because they're a total pain in the ass for me to get off, so it would be nice if jars without sifters were secured a bit better.
Here are swatches of the shadows I chose. They are done over Concrete Minerals eyeshadow primer.
Top 3: Heather, Fawn, Shock
Bottom 4: Gemini, Kristen, BAM, Tipsy Tiger
And here is Libra, because I forgot to swatch it with the rest T_T
I did ask Morgan when we first started corresponding if any of the colors were repackaged, and she said no. I believe her to be truthful; all the colors seem unique to me. Some of the pictures do look similar to TKB colors, but I have a feeling it's like when Shiro opened- similar colors, but not repackaged. I picked the shade Heather just because I thought having an eyeshadow with my name would be cool, but it is honestly one of the prettiest shadows I own. Depending on the lighting, it ranges from a taupe to a silver to a purple, all in one. Shock is also an insanely awesome chartreusey green, but sadly it's not on the website anymore, which brings me to my next point.
Only 4 of the 7 colors I got are still listed on the website- Heather, Fawn, Gemini, and Libra. From browsing through the company's Facebook page, it seems that there are a lot of LE collections released but only available for an extremely short time- maybe a week or two, I can't say for sure. I think it would be great if they stayed around longer, or even became part of the permanent line. Some of the colors I've seen are so pretty, and I wish I still had the opportunity to order them. The new holiday collection looks really nice.
If you go to the sales/specials section and look at the Buy More, Save More bundles, two of them state that if you order the bundles you can choose retired colors if you like. The facebook page has an album with the retired colors, but wouldn't it just be a lot easier to keep them around? I don't really understand why you can get them in a bundle order but not individually. I also don't get why the image for the 4 for $10 says it's 4 for $8, and the image for the 6 for $15 says it's 6 for $12.
I think pricing is very fair. There are no samples, but a full size is only $4, which is a great price. The bundles also make the shadows even cheaper than that, so those are a great deal. Ingredients aren't listed on the website or on the products. Morgan says to email her for ingredient information, but I think that is something that should be listed on the site. Actually, I'm not sure if it is legal not to list ingredients anywhere. Shadows that contain carmine do say so in the description. Normally I'm pretty "whatever" about ingredients, but since the shadows were damn hard to wash off after I swatched them, I am curious about what makes them stay on. The red and pink shadows stained my hand.
I THINK that's everything I wanted to say! If I forgot anything else, I'll edit the post to include it. My overall opinion on Elohi is so-so. I think the colors are really nice, and the prices are fabulous, but I feel like there is a LOT of improvement to be made before I'd place a new order.
If you want to check out more about Elohi, Dominique has also done a review.
Elohi Cosmetics,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I need help choosing my Meow foundation color!
I have been sitting here trying to figure out which foundation samples to order from Meow for so long that the sale would be over in just a few minutes if they didn't just generously extend it until Tuesday. Thankfully they did, so hopefully before then you guys can help me!
For my actual skin tone, it looks like I could be a 1/Sleek, or a 2/Frisky. My real problem is figuring out my undertones. I have done all the little tests and tricks to discover what my undertone is, and I get a different result for everything I try. I am so confused. I don't want to have to order an insane number of samples, as I do NOT have the money for that right now. If someone has any idea of which foundations might work for me based on my FOTD's that I've posted in the past, please please please let me know! I know a lot of you wear Meow foundation, so any suggestions you have would be extremely helpful for me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A product I hate so much that I'm making a whole post about it.
I hope it is evident from the name of my blog that I generally write about makeup. Once in a while I'll talk about a fun indie bath & body company, cus that stuff is awesome too! I do not ever write about shaving cream, because that shit is boring, and it's not fun, pretty, or awesome. But due to the fact that my legs and wallet have been defiled by this mockery of a shaving cream, and due to the fact that I keep seeing people RECOMMENDING this crap, I decided to make a ranty post about how much it sucks. I care about you guys and don't want you to make the same mistake I did when I bought...
I bought this Eos shaving cream from Walgreens a couple months ago, wanting to test it. I don't remember the exact price, only that it was about $1 more than my usual Skintimate shaving cream (in the scent Flirty Mango). I wouldn't even call this product a shaving cream. It is more like an extremely runny lotion, or like using a bar of soap on your legs to shave instead of actual shaving cream (which I find annoyingly ineffective). You would think, that since it's basically just a lotion, your legs would feel soft and moisturized after you use it. Wrong! My legs are really dry and sensitive, and after I shave they are usually really itchy. This product wasn't any different.
It says you can use it wet or dry- true, but it sucks either way. When I tried using it on dry legs, it left behind a really thin layer of the cream wherever I shaved that I had to wash off. The razor couldn't seem to get it all.
A lot of the product also got stuck in between the razor blades, and wouldn't rinse out. This made more hair get stuck in the blades as well, so basically the blade is ruined after one use. The sink in my bathroom got extremely clogged up last month and was practically impossible to fix, and I just now realized it was probably due to the shaving cream that was going down the drain.
You also have to use a huge amount to fully cover your legs. I have only tried using it twice, and if I ever bothered to try it again, there's only enough left for 2 or 3 more shaves.
The only redeeming quality is that it smells nice. I picked out the scent Lavender Jasmine. I don't think it smells like either, but it's nice.
Bottom line: sound the alarms and avoid at all costs!
I like to end angry posts with a nice picture ^_^ Here you go!

Thursday, November 18, 2010
EOTD inspired by prettybottles
I did this look a few days ago, and it was inspired by something Elizabeth from prettybottles did. It ended up looking nothing like it, as most things I imitate turn out, but I like it. It's very sunset-y.
Eye makeup:
Concrete Minerals eye primer
Pale Jewel, by Hi Fi (inner lid)
Toucan, by Meow (center lid)
BFF, by Meow (outer lid)
Mornings of Gold, by Hi Fi (highlight)
Dear Mom, by Glamour Doll (under waterline)
Maybelline Falsies mascara
some purple Jordana twist-up stick liner
Not sure why I saved my close-up pictures so small...I hope everyone is having a good week; it's almost the weekend!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rainbow & Neutral looks
I've been playing around with my makeup a lot more this week than I usually do, so I have a couple looks to show you that I personally LOVE. I washed my brushes too, yay! Quick thoughts about my brushes: with the last few washes, my Ecotools and my elf Studio eyeshadow brushes have gotten really stiff and the pigment just kind of sits on them. Any advice? The eyeshadow brushes that are actually doing the best are my Maybelline brushes that I've had for at least 3 years. I'm so impressed, I'm going to try and find some more (I THINK they were from Walmart, maybe Target). Also, I'm looking for a good and cheap kabuki brush, none of this MAC nonsense. What would you recommend?
This first look is the popular, overused rainbow look. I realized I have never actually done one, so I decided to use my Brights collection from Fusion of Color. There's no purple, but I'm not really sure where I would have put it anyway.
This next look was using my Book of Shadows III from Urban Decay. I call it "Dirty Neutral" :3 You can interpret that however you want, ya creeps.
The liner is Urban Decay as well, in the shade "Lucky".
One last thing: after reading your comments, there is no way in HELL I am getting an industrial! I'd like to get a small septum ring, but I'm going to hold off on that for a little bit since I'll have to look for a new job in a couple months when I move. You never know how places are about piercings...

Book of Shadows 3,
Fusion of Color,
Urban Decay
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
And on it's 200th post! :D
I can't believe it's been a WEEK since I last posted. I'm not caught up on anyone's blogs either, I feel so out of touch! I wish I could say I've been gone due to having a fantastically fun filled and adventurous life, but it's really because I've been sick/working/doing schoolwork/doing laundry. I've been meaning to clean my room for the past year and a half, but since I'm moving in 10 weeks, I don't see the point now, hehehe.
The looks I've been doing all week have been turning out pretty terrible, and I could not for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong. Everything just kept looking so muddy. It seriously took me until yesterday to question when the last time I bothered to clean my brushes was. Hint: Not anytime this month. Also, not anytime last month. I'm pretty sure it was at the very end of September. So my task tonight is to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS (but really just the brushes).
Here's the only looks I've done that didn't turn into a puddle o' poop on my eyelids.
Here I used some colors from Shiro. Mew and Articuno on the lid, Mewtwo (which you can't really see due to the puddle o' poop effect) and Squirtle in the crease. SS Anne under the waterline. The highlight color is Hail Caesar by Hi Fi.
The other night before I realized the muddiness was a result of my own laziness, I got really fed up with how crappy everything kept looking, so I used some neutrals, which can never go wrong. The lid color is called Silent Night by Nars. It is really chunky and nowhere near the best gold I have, but I use it when I want to feel fancy and rich :3 The crease color is Darling Girl's Oracle, a little bit of Evil Shade's Acolyte on the lower lid, and the highlight is Hail Caesar by Hi Fi. As soon as I go off my no-buy, I'm getting a full size of this. It's my new favorite highlight color.
Before I depart again for who knows how long, does anyone have an industrial piercing? I'd like to get one but I need to know how much they hurt first, cus I'm kind of a baby. I thought the nose ring was pretty painful, for a reference.

Darling Girl,
Evil Shades,
Shiro Cosmetics
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some Hi-Fi swatches
Hi everyone! I thought I'd show my swatches from my last Hi-Fi order. I did get a sample set of the Halloween collection, but I didn't bother swatching those since so many people already have. I did order samples of all the 1st anniversary colors, and I swatched them for you since I haven't seen too many other people with these.
Top 3: Last Words, So What, Another Day Another Drama
Bottom 3: Intoxicate Me, Adrenaline, Suicide Trees
I wish I could capture the complexity of these! I'm REALLY impressed by this whole collection, especially the pinks! Last Words is a pale pink with a gold shift, a la Fyrinnae's "Rapunzel Had Extensions" (I don't have that one to compare, sorry). So What has a really gorgeous violet/blue shift to it.
Top 2: Contradiction, Like a Hurricane
Bottom 2: Verge of Obscene, Loser King
I could not for anything get Like a Hurricane and Verge of Obscene to show up as gorgeous as they are in person! Like a Hurricane is this really awesome, shimmery blue-silver color. Verge of Obscene is a super dark purple, it would be amazing for a purple smokey eye. Contradiction has some crazy pink glitter in it; here's a close up so you can see it better.
I also got 2 Spotlight Lip Glazes- Natural Assassin from the 1st anniversary collection, and Phantasm from the Nightmare 2010 collection.
Natural Assassin is a HIGHLY PIGMENTED copper! From the picture I expected it to be more pink, but the description does say it's a metallic copper. Phantasm is a sheer pearl gloss, it's going to look awesome layered over lipstick. My only complaint with these is the smell... Phantasm is ok, it has a kind of fake-vanilla plastic-y smell. Natural Assassin smells REALLY plastic-y though, and it's pretty strong.
As of yesterday my blog is a year old! :D How exciting! It would be better if this was my 200th post, but sadly it's my 199th, aww! I'm going to stay on my no-buy through the rest of November, unless it turns out that insurance will cover the new retainers I had to pay for, which it might! I really hope so, because I have some orders I'm aching to place. I hope everyone's having a great week!
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