Here are my answers for Phyrra!
1. Are there any colors of eyeshadow or lipstick that you just won't wear? I don't wear orange lipstick, I think it just doesn't look right on me. All eyeshadow is fair game :)
2. What's your latest makeup obsession? Glowy skin for spring/summer, and pinky purple lipsticks.
3. What's your favorite color for spring this year? Green! I only have 1 green shirt, which I just bought, and only a handful of green eyeshadows. I NEED MORE GREEN.
4. Do you have a favorite flower? Lilacs are one of my favorite scents.

5. What’s one product that was hyped up that let you down? The Maybelline Color Tattoo shadows, just because I always get bald spots on my eyelid whenever I use cream shadows or the NYX jumbo pencils. That's why Buxom cream shadows are the only kind I really like, the fluffy mousse texture is totally different and I never get patches!
6. What’s your favorite hair color on you? Brown. :P
7. What's your favorite pet? Cats and chinchillas!
8. What is your favorite genre of book to read? Pretty much anything, fiction or non, except fantasy. Sorry Phyrra :P I like dark books.
9. If you were asked to make your dream makeup or nail polish collection, what would be in it? (colors, finishes, products) How would you name it? I honestly have no idea! Maybe something inspired by Van Gogh paintings, he uses such rich blues and yellows.

10. If you could pick only one foundation to wear, what would it be? Something fancy and expensive, honestly I've only tried a couple foundations so I'm not sure what my favorite kind might be!
11. What’s one makeup item/collection that you skipped that you regret missing? I will never get over not owning MAC's Sweet & Punchy eyeshadow.
And here are my answers for Blix :)
1. Do you prefer liquid or powder foundation and why? Liquid, because powder tends to cake on me.
2. What are you favourite eyeshadow colours to wear? Specifically, Urban Decay's Maui Wowie with any darker purple. That's my favorite eyeshadow combination.
3. Dress and heels, or jeans and sneakers? Either and sneakers.
4. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at.

5. What is something that most people don't know about you? I'm obsessed with crossword puzzles and sudoku.
6. What is your favourite flower? SEE ABOVE.
7. Do you like outdoorsy activity? Leaving my room? THE HORROR!
8. How would you describe your sense of style? Lazy. I mostly just wear t-shirts from the mall, or nerdy t-shirts. I just got a job at one of my favorite clothing stores, though, so I really want to use the opportunity to start figuring out what my style is.
9. What type of movies do you love to watch the most? THE HORROR! I like my movies dark, disturbing, and disgusting. I'll watch just about anything though, since movies are my passion outside of makeup. I could do without most comedies.
10. What is your favourite Holiday and why? Halloween, because everything is creepy all month ^_^
11. Why did you start blogging? I really don't know how I started finding out about indie makeup, but I did, and I started reading 3 blogs religiously. 2 are defunct now, and the third was Phyrra's :) I thought it was so cool I wanted to do it myself.
Technically I'm supposed to tag 11 people and write 11 questions of my own for them to answer, but I'd rather jump in the shower so I can go get a burrito. I'm sure everyone can understand the urgency of that :P