Also known as "Relax, Julia Dreams of an Uncharted Crystalline Baby"!
I had a very clear idea in mind of how I wanted this to look, and it didn't turn out how I planned. I should have used a NYX jumbo eye pencil (in shade Cottage Cheese) as a base since I was using such pale colors. Oh well. I still like it, it uses many colors but is very understated.
What I used:
Concrete Minerals Eye Primer
Relax, by Sassy (lid)
Uncharted, by Meow (outer v)
Julia Dream, by Hi Fi (crease)
Crystalline Highlight #10, by Detrivore (highlight)
Baby, by Aromaleigh (under waterline)
HiP Cream Crayon in Meticulous (eyeliner)
Rimmel liner in brown (waterline)
L'Oreal Extra Collagen mascara
Maybelline Falsies mascara
I never do extended out v's (I call them butterfly wings) cus I suck at getting them symmetrical, but I actually got it pretty even this time.
Random updates: Going out of town for a couple days and probably won't be able to post. :( My Suds N Sass package I ordered should be getting here tomorrow, and I'm bummed I won't be able to tear it open! I have to figure out what makeup to pack, I hate making that decision... *sigh*... also, Cherry Culture is having a 20% off sale that ends on the 30th, so take advantage of it now. I placed a small order, I'll show you my goodies when they arrive.
Now for some blog lovin...
Yeah, I know that bobby pin is pretty awesome. You can buy them at Julissa's Etsy Shop for only $1! I got the cutest earrings too, I'll make sure to show you guys sometime.
Here's some blogs I've started following recently, read them and weep (at how much beauty has just been brought into your life, obviously). I may have already posted some before, I'm not going to dig through old posts to see.
ClaudiaS Makeup
Cleaver Endeavor
Glitter and Toucans
Glitter Face
heart-on for indie makeup
In Her Makeup Bag
Le petit jardin de liloo
Liloo and co
Maggie Makeup Addict
Makeup and Retography
my tiger lily
Pigments and Pearls
Sara Hassan's Blog
Sofia's Brighter Days
Stay Beautful
Turtle Beauty
Have a good week everyone.
It's time for my bi-monthly movie post, wheee! Here are the best movies I've come across during May and June. I'm adding a little blurb to each one this time instead of just posting the links and posters.
Not to be confused with "The Dead Girl", another good movie. Don't watch this if you don't like messed up movies. I very actively seek out movies that are fucked up, and I thought this one was pretty crazy. So if you are weak in the stomach or whatever, DON'T watch it.
George Washington
We watched this in my English class after the AP test. My teacher has very good movie taste (props if you're reading this cdubz). It's a pretty typical slow moving indie film, but I just really like the feel of it for some reason.
The Skeptic
I don't know why this isn't a more well known horror movie. I definitely screamed at least twice, and the whole thing was really intense and creepy. If you love a good haunted house movie, check this one out.
The Incredible Shrinking Man
I used this poster because the one with the spider on it was disgusting. I think this is really going to get me into 50's sci fi! It's seriously so engrossing, and although I don't want to keep using this word, intense. Seriously. Even if you're prejudiced against old movies, try this one out.
Lost In Translation
It's good just because it is. It's magical and lovely.
I was really surprised that it only has a 5.5 on IMDB... I thought it was a really engrossing thriller. I love thrillers that have teenagers in them. It had beautiful cinematography and some really suspenseful moments.
Strangers On A Train
One of Hitchcock's films that's not crazy well known, probably my new favorite of his (second is North by Northwest). Another really suspenseful film, I was completely on the edge of my seat the whole time.
The Girl Next Door
This is NOT the comedy Girl Next Door. It is the most horrific, disturbing, completely and utterly fucked up movie I have ever seen, and I don't think I will find anything to top it soon, in the distant future, or maybe ever. I'm just adding it on here so if you are interested in these kinds of movies, you have my word it will completely disturb you. The worst part is that is is based on the true story of Sylvia Likens, the most awful crime I have ever read about in my life. It makes Frontier(s) look like Barney. It makes Martyrs look like a Disney movie. It is even worse than Inside, my previously most disturbing movie choice (these last 3 are all French, they make the best horror films IMO). Watch it at your own risk.
I don't think this is still in theaters, so you'll have to wait for the DVD release. I'm really not a sci fi person, but this was super good. The director also made some other movies I love, like Cube, and Nothing. It definitely tries to raise some moral issues, but I still don't know what sides they were taking. Very interesting.
The Babysitters
This was a good watch-with-your-friend movie. It was interesting and definitely had that trashiness/shock value type thing that Lifetime movies have going on, except this had better acting and production value.
I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've seen or want to see any of these movies! I'm going to go watch one now, I think it's a toss up between Resident Evil and any standard Asian ghost horror movie. :) PS, I'm going to Fantastic Fest in Austin this September. Google it, it is the best film festival ever.
When I asked what company people would like to see reviewed next, Joppa Minerals was the most requested. I ordered some various eyeshadow, blush, and one complexion enhancer and finishing powder (all samples of course). They do have great deal for a 6 Piece Sampler Kit- it's only one cent plus shipping, and you get to choose two foundation samples, a concealer sample, two blush samples, and a finishing powder sample. I ordered this set as well. Everything arrived in a typical time span, about 5 days. Included was one free eyeshadow sample (breathless), and a lip twist sample (Perfectly Pink).
From left to right (shadows): Hope, Orange Zest, Majestic, South Pacific, Blissful, Breathless, Golden Sage, Galaxy
The colors look even more boring than their website pictures. They are pretty bland. I do like Galaxy, it's the only one I'd probably ever actually use. Majestic is just ugly, it looks like puke. I'm very unimpressed.
From left to right (blushes): Just Blush, Crazy in Love, Tickle Me Pink, Glowing, Golden Horizon complexion enhancer
These blushes look better irl. I do like the first two, they're very pigmented and pretty. The next two I couldn't care less about. And I want to know whose complexion would ever be enhanced by that gross Arby's spicy brown mustard color (I've started making sandwiches at work, lol).
Here are the finishing powder in Original Sheer and Dewy sheer, swatched heavily then blended in.
They do nothing to my face whatsoever. It looks exactly the same whether I use them or not. I tried applying them over a tinted moisturizer and a more matte face powder, and they didn't make a difference any of the ways. I'll stick to my Revlon PhotoReady translucent finishing powder, which I've hit pan on and barely have any left. It's great. Go get it.
Here's the lip twist. I was going to order a full size one, but $7 is too much for a tinted balm, IMO. It smells minty and is pretty and moisturizing.
I couldn't use my foundation samples because they were way too dark for me. I applied some on my hand, and it turned orange. I tested the concealer on my hand, and it too turned orange.
So, I'm not bowled over whatsoever here. Some of the products are ok, but I can get better from many places. I'm actually pretty bummed about how much I dislike almost everything.
Have you tried Joppa? What are your thoughts?
Congratulations to Musicalhouses and KittenMittens! I will send out your polishes to you sometime within the next week; I'll tell you when I send it out!
Thank you so much everyone for entering my first giveaway. If you're wondering how I chose the winners, it was the very technologically advanced method of writing down everyone's names on pieces of paper and drawing two. I come from the future.
I will be having another giveaway sometime this summer before I move in late August, so get excited for that! It will feature products from Hi Fi Cosmetics, Morgana Minerals, Evil Shades, Fyrinnae, and more! Now I'm off to email the winners :3
Hey there, I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much lately. As of this last Thursday, I have started my 11+ days in a row of work. I did get someone to take my shift this Tuesday so I could have a day off, though. I don't even both wearing makeup some days if I know I'm just going to be working, so I haven't done many looks lately. My posting will probably be pretty sparse over the next week.
Here's a really simple look I did yesterday. I didn't use mascara because my Falsies and Extra Collagen ones make my lashes so huge, they hit my glasses frame and its really annoying. I feel like my eyes look manly without mascara, lol.
Uncharted, by Meow (inner corner)
Intimate, by Sassy Minerals (outer corner)
S.S. Anne, by Shiro (crease)
Moondance, by Stardust (highlight)
See what I mean about manly eyes? :P I wish Intimate showed up better in these pictures. It is actually a beautiful, very pink toned orange. I'm going to buy a full size with my next Sassy order, its only $4.25!
Today I wanted to do a smokey eye with color. I wish I had used a hot pink instead though, I feel like the pink I used looks kind of "dirty" or "muddy" this way, know what I mean?
Love Affair & Dear Mom by Glamour Doll (mixed together on lid)
Midnight Train, by Sassy (crease)
L'Oreal HiP crayon in Intricate (liner)
Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Coraline's Kiss lipstick by Morgana
Yeah, a goofy face... get over it, it's the only one I've ever done since I started this blog. I like it because it really shows off the gorgeous Coraline's Kiss.
So, I started playing Silent Hill: Shatter Memories on the Wii. Apparently it's the same story as the very first one, but updated and modified slightly. It's fun as hell, and creepy as hell too. I think it's the first game I've ever played that's not rated E, lol. Can anyone recommend me some more games like this? Horror-survival type is what it is, I guess.
My giveaway ends tomorrow, I'll post the winners Monday morning.
As I'm sure many of you know, Shiro Cosmetics is a new site on Etsy, specializing in eyeshadow. I ordered the full sample set, which I think had 15 shadows at the time, and I got the 3 not included in the set as free samples (Butterfree, Rattata, Jigglypuff). 3 more colors have come out since then (Meowth, Sudowoodo, Gengar).
My order got shipped out THE SAME DAY that I ordered it. I placed my order in the morning, and Caitlin messaged me on etsy to say she was shipping it that day. Now THAT is customer service! <3 I love how everything was packaged, very cute and neat.
From left to right: Vulpix, Mew, Charmander, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Acid
Pikachu has awesome red glitter in it that these swatches don't show. Here it is over Pixie Epoxy so you can see the glitter better.
From left to right: Squirtle, Butterfree, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Lance the Dragon Trainer, Team Rocket, Rattata
From left to right: Mewtwo, Articuno, Articuno over PE, SS Anne, Brock the Rock, Hyperbeam, Hyperbeam over PE
Articuno is awesome. It's like tin foil when you use it with PE, sooo cool! I love all the colors. They're unique and pretty, and definitely not repackaged. I can't wait to order the new colors, and I highly reccomend this new company. I can't wait for Caitlin to creat new, more complex colors, and maybe other products as well.
Sorry guys, no Shiro review today >:[ It has rained to the point of flooding the last two days, so I have not had ideal lighting whatsoever. WHO WATCHED TRUE BLOOD LAST NIGHT? Too bad my HBO is getting cancelled in a month :( I'm seeing Jace Everett, who sings the theme song, this weekend. If you like the theme song, you should listen to songs off his upcoming cd Red Revelations. Hopefully there will be copies at the show this weekend even though it's not out until next week. It's an 18+ venue, I'm going to feel so grown up going there :P
Here is a look I did today, requested by Merilin. I was thinking it was going to be pretty work friendly, but I forgot how insanely sparkly both the golds I used are! It doesn't matter, my obsession is accepted by the management at this point, haha.
What I used:
Concrete Minerals eyeshadow primer
Uplifting by Sassy Minerals- my favorite gold (lid)
California Girl, by Hi Fi (crease)
Moondance, by Stardust (highlight)
Disturbing the Peace, by Sassy (eyeliner using Beautiful Girl Minerals eyeshadow sealant)
Rimmel liner in Jet Black (waterline)
Jemma Kidd i-conic liner in Style Icon (below waterline)
L'Oreal Extra Volume Collagen mascara
I look tan for some reason... I am most definitely not. I need a full size of Moondance, I can't wait for Stardust to reopen. I'm saying once again I'm not going to list face products anymore, because it's too boring. If you want to know, I'll be glad to answer in the comments, but I'm not going through the list in every post. Also, thanks for the responses on the last post! Feel free to keep 'em coming- it looks like Joppa Minerals will be one of my soonest upcoming reviews.
A few different blogs have been asking this lately, so I thought I'd ask you guys as well. I have quite a few companies I'd like to review, are there any you're particularly interested in seeing sooner rather than later? I don't have any particular ones I want to try out first, so let me know what you're interested in!
Flourish Bath & Body
J. Lynne
Joppa Minerals
Alima Pure
Mum Mum's Crafts
Sobe Botanicals re-review
Magic Hands Workshop
Silk Naturals
Signature Minerals
I should be able to post my Shiro review tomorrow, provided the weather stops being shitty long enough for me to get any swatching done. If any of these companies sound interesting to you and you make an order, I'd love to see your reviews too! I never get tired of reviews, even if I've read many about the same company. It's fun to see other people's opinions, experiences, and swatches. Hope you all had a great weekend :)
Side note: it looks SO WEIRD outside, like somebody put a yellow filter on everything. If you've ever seen Amelie, that's what it looks like outside right now.
Yesterday I wanted to a look more color intensive and creative than all the really lazy simple ones I've been doing lately. I love the look of the Maybelline Falsies mascara tube, so I decided to do an EOTD based on that. The main colors I chose were from Hi Fi, so what the hell, I just used a ton of Hi Fi colors for this look! If you haven't lately, check out Veronica's shop. She has a ton of new items, and 25% off of $40 or more! This is great for me because when I get paid next I am going to make a MASSIVE order. Here's the look!
What I used:
Concrete Minerals eyeshadow primer
Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy
Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Rimmel liner in black
Live Large (inner lid)
Beautiful Tragedy (center lid)
Teen Spirit (outer lid)
Terror In The Depths (crease)
Eat Me, Drink Me (highlight)
mix of Parental Advisory and Promiscuous (under waterline)
I want to thank everyone for the comments you're leaving in my giveaway post, you guys have said some really sweet things that made me really happy :) PS, I finally used some Pixie Epoxy, even though normally I'm too lazy. That shadow stayed on through my nap, through work, and the rest of the day and stayed fabulous. I forgot how much I loved it!