I have a decent amount of Darling Girl products from my last order to swatch, but I'm having difficulties finding time for everything right now because of work and school. Luckily there's only a couple weeks of school left, so I should be able to post a lot more soon.
For this look I used a newer color, My Little Pony, on the lid with Whisper as a highlight. My Little Pony is AMAZING, it's a pinky purple with a green duochrome. It's by far one of my most unique shadows, I have nothing like it. Here's a photo that shows off the green:
I'm also wearing Little Twin Stars glitter liner over some black liquid liner.
I'm wearing Barbie Girl sweet cheeks blush, and Love Bug tinted lip balm. All from Darling Girl Cosmetics.Pretty simple, but I didn't want to do anything too crazy since I was wearing glitter liner.
I already talked about the awesome pressed shadows Venomous Cosmetics has to offer, and now I'd like to cover their loose shadows! Samples are $1 and full sizes are $6.50, pretty standard. They adhere very well using a primer, which of course is a necessity with all loose shadows. The colors are all very pretty, some more complex than others.Something I don't like about the full size jars is that the ingredients list is on the inside of the lid. I was sent these a few weeks ago, so that could have changed by now, I'll make an edit if I learn that's the case. Personally, since I don't have allergy concerns or anything, it doesn't matter to me, but I'm sure it could to some people.Here's a sample baggie:
Swatch time! First up is the Well-Traveled collection.Top row: Beaches in Maui, Secrets of Cairo, Irish Countryside
Middle row: Vegas Casino
Bottom Row: L.A. Smog, Surfing the Gold Coast, NYC Nightlife
Surfing the Gold Coast has really pretty yellow sparkle in it, and NYC Nightlife has all this amazing rainbow sparkle to it! They're both really unique colors, and my favorites of the loose shadows.
The next 3 are Monster Under Your Bed, Indian Violet, and Falling Star (from the new All-Stars collection).
The purple looks patchy, but since I started doing q-tip swatches, all purples I've done have turned out that way, so I'm blaming it on the q-tips.
Lip Poisons are the glosses offered by Venomous. They're $3.50 for a purse size (3.7 ml) and $5 for a full size (5.9 ml). The texture is difficult for me to describe... it's thicker than a regular lip gloss, and it's somewhat sticky. When I applied I felt like it kept getting a bit patchy, but after a few minutes everything seemed to kind of settle down to an even coat. I'm really not good with anything lasting a long time, since I constantly snack/apply lip balm/ lick my lips, but it stayed on pretty well through me eating ice cream (albeit carefully), and 3 hours later it was still pretty vibrant.
On the left is Genie, on the right is Trouble.
I was BLOWN AWAY by these colors! I barely looked at them when I had browsed the Venomous site, but honestly these are my favorite product of what I was sent. I love the shadows, but right now I'm really into lippies, and these colors are just stunning.I did some awesomely awful lip swatches for you guys! Here's Genie:
And Trouble:
The flash makes Trouble look more flattering on my bare lips than it actually is, the blue in it gives me that 'Zombie Chic' look. It just doesn't work with my skintone by itself, so I've been wearing it layered over other colors.
Here's a look I did with L.A. Smog & Surfing the Gold Coast loose shadows, and I'm wearing the Trouble Lip Poison over Clinique Chubby Balm in Super Strawberry.
Honestly, my only complaint here is that some of the website photos for the shadows seem inaccurate. The Lip Poison photos seem right on, but some of the shadow photos are too overexposed or something, while some seem too washed out. I know it's difficult to get super accurate photos, but I feel like the current ones could be improved.
Overall, I enjoyed everything I tried from Venomous, and I would certainly recommend them, especially if you're going through a pressed shadow phase as a lot of people seem to be. Don't skip over the Lip Poisons as they're the company's hidden gem, IMO! And it looks like there's going to be lip and eyeliners coming soon, which is neat. Disclaimer: I got everything mentioned in this review for free. This did not change my review, it's all my honest opinion.
Venomous Cosmetics is pretty new to the indie scene. With so many new indie companies popping up left and right, you have to have something special. Venomous offers not only loose shadow, but also pressed shadows! They also have glosses called Lip Poisons. I was interested in trying this company out, so it was really exciting for me when Tracy, the owner, asked if I was interested in trying out some products (free of charge, this is my disclaimer, blah blah). As always, my review won't be affected by this.
First up is the pressed shadows. A full size is $6.50, which I find reasonable. I think the price reflects the time it probably takes to do the pressing. They have SAMPLE pressed shadows, which is really cool! Those are $2. Here's what the sizes look like (next to a full-sized loose shadow for comparison):
The pressed samples are so tiny! I had to run my shadow brush over the sample size a few times to get the brush covered, since they're so small, but that's not really an issue.The pressed samples are too small to have the name written on the back, so here's what Tracy does:
Is it the most convenient thing in the world? No, but it works. I really can't think of a better way to do it, the text would be too small to read if you put the whole name on there. Here are my swatches of the pressed shadows:
Top 4: Yellowjacket, Amazon Rainforest Expedition, Mermaid, Gaboon Viper
Bottom 4: The Last Unicorn, Tazelwurm, Can't Give You Paris, Phoenix
You guys, these are gorgeous. I didn't take them in direct sunlight so they look a little flatter than they actually are. I could not believe how especially pigmented Gaboon Viper and Phoenix were, they apply like a dream. I love using The Last Unicorn as a highlighter. Tazelwurm is probably my favorite, it has a gorgeous blue shift to it.
Here's a quick look I did with Tazelwurm, Can't Give You Paris, and The Last Unicorn. On my lips is VC's "Genie" Lip Poison (formerly called "Cupid's Arrow").
As far as packaging, Tracy sealed everything very well, and as you can see, none of them broke. She put them in little baggies and bubble-wrapped the hell out of everything (pink bubble-wrap)! You definitely don't have to worry about any of them arriving broken or crushed.
My final verdict: I love these. There are so many absolutely gorgeous colors to choose from, and I think it's great that you can get samples. Now I need to make my own palette to keep them in...
In the next part of the review I'll talk about the loose shadows and lip poisons! I'll try to get it posted by tomorrow or the next day.
is the name of one of my favorite blogs. It's also the look I did the other night. I NEVER wear red lips. I've literally worn red lips in public only one other time that I can recall, so this was a big deal as far as makeup goes :P
I didn't want to bombard the world with a bunch of colorful eyeshadow as well, so I just did a super neutral eye with shadows from the amazing LE Maybelline Salsa Sun palette, and for the liner I used some Physician's Formula cream liners. I winged it out a teeny bit, not much because I am TERRIBLE at winging out liner, and I didn't want to mess it up.
My lips were MAC's 'Swelter' Slimshine over 'A Classic' lipstain (which has sadly almost dried out from me not putting the cap on tight enough).
Doing really red lips with the thick liner actually made me feel confident instead of self-conscious, I felt so adult and classy!
One of my beloved indie companies, High Voltage, is having an amazing contest where you can come up with your own collection. If you win, Jasmine will make it for you!
I wanted to share this with everyone because I think it's such a cool idea. I'm trying to think of a cool collection so I can enter too ^_^
Since I'm posting about High Voltage I thought I'd also mention, for those of you who don't follow Jasmine on twitter (@ _High_Voltage_), there's a new membership program you can join to get discounts and such. There's also the new Norse Mythology collection. DUOCHROMES! :D
I'd love to hear your collection ideas if you feel ok commenting with them. I won't steal them but I can't promise the same of anyone else >.>
Silk Naturals (link) is a company that's been on my 'to-try' list for ages, but I've just never gotten around to ordering since they don't offer samples. Every time I've browsed the website I've found so many things I wanted, so I was really excited when Karen, the owner, contacted me about sending me some products to review. So this is my disclaimer right away, I received these products free of charge. Hopefully my other reviews have led you to trust that I'll be honest with you :) I would never give a false statement or opinion on a review. Here we go!
Karen included a 'company info' sheet with the package she sent me, which I thought was a really nice idea. On the back it had ingredient listings for all the different products they sell, which is good since it's not listed on the products themselves. Here's what an eyeshadow jar looks like (super close up):
And here's a liquid lip gloss and a Kisser Slicker next to my phone for a size comparison:Silk Naturals seems to have a really great discount/reward system set up. They give a free Gift with Purchase (usually a shadow) with every order over $10. For every $30 you spend, you get a free shadow or lip balm of your choice. For every $100 you spend, you get a $5 discount. If you spend $125, you get free shipping (seems like a high number to me, but better than no free shipping offers I suppose).
I mentioned earlier that the reason I'd never placed an order before was because they don't have samples. I am a sample queen, and I actually only own a small number of full size shadows. However, as far as prices go, $4 for a full size shadow (3/4 tsp in a 5g jar w/sifter) is a pretty darn good price. The other products I got, the Liquid Lip Glosses and Kisser Slickers, are also very reasonably priced at $4.75. What Karen DOES do is take returns on any lip or eye products if you end up not liking it.
Normally I don't talk about website design, because I really don't care, but I wanted to mention it because I think it's really helpful. Most of the listings have swatches, and they are all very descriptive of the product- they have a 1-5 scale that rates things like opacity and shimmer, which I think is awesome.
Here are swatches of all the different shadows I received:
Top row: Sonic (MAC 'Vanilla' clone), Fire, High Beam
Bottom row: Canary, Superfly, Madison, Prowl
These shadows have amazing depth to them that I just couldn't capture. Fire has a really pretty reddish iridescence. Canary is a fabulous matte yellow. Superfly has lots of golden shimmer, and Prowl is LOADED with gorgeous shimmer- it's a very interesting purple based brown.
Here's a look I did using High Beam, Superfly, Prowl, and Sonic.
Top row: Orchid, Romp, Rollick
Bottom row: Poly (MAC 'Parrot' clone), Scandal, Vandal
The second picture is more accurate. Orchid and Romp are both beautiful, but applied a little patchy (I don't see Orchid on the website anywhere). Poly is a really pretty blue-green that makes me think of mermaids ^_^ Scandal has AWESOME red shimmer that absolutely would not show up for me, but it's there!For my lippie swatches, I have the Kisser Slicker lip glosses on the top, and the Liquid Lip Glosses on the bottom.
Top row: Tender, Gold Blush
Bottom Row: Bubblegum, Icing
Tender is a VERY sheer brownish pink color. Gold Blush is basically just slightly golden shimmer, it looks great applied on top of other lippies. Bubblegum is a bright pink, and Icing ends up looking clear with a pink iridescence. The liquid lip gloss formula is normal, nothing especially good or bad. I really like the Kisser Slickers, they're almost like a tinted lip balm. The website has a few other lip products as well, many of them vegan.
One last thing I wanted to add was that SN makes dupes (they call them clones) of lots of eyeshadows/lippies from brands like MAC, Bobbi Brown, BE, etc.
As you might have realized by now, I really like the company! I thought the products I got were nice, COMPLEX colors, and the brand has a great product range with very reasonable prices. I will most definitely be making orders in the future. :)
I'm Heather, a 19 year old beauty blogger from the midwest. Makeup and movies are my favorite things. I love finding great beauty blogs to follow! I buy, use, and review from a variety of company types, ranging from indie to high-end. Feel free to contact me at eyeconicmakeup@gmail.com.